Gloriosa Superba Seeds
Gloriosa superba or glory lily is an herbaceous, tender, tuberous rooted deciduous and climbing perennials. Common names are flame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw, and fire lily.

Gloriosa Superba seeds are also known as Kalihari is a perennial herb, tuberous rooted deciduous and can be grown as climber.Its underground tubers, leaves, seeds and roots are used for preparing various drugs.
It is herbaceous tendril climber with underground tuberous rhizome, Leaves are sessile, alternate; Flowers bright, at first greenish later becoming yellow and finally scarlet; Fruit capsules containing many seeds.
It is a medicinal crop used to extract the chemical compound such as colchicine, thiocolchicine, B-sitosterol, chelidonic acid, gloriosine, stigmasterol, luteolin etc. The Gloriosa superba seeds contain high level of colchicine’s. The flowers are used in religious ceremonies.
In ayurveda, it is used for the treatment of ear diseases and skin disorders.
Type | Specification |
Botanical Name | Gloriosa superba |
Common Name | Glory Lily, Climbing Lily, Crisped Glory Lily, Flame lily, creeping lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw,and Fire lily |
Light Requirement | Sun growing, Moderate |
Water requirement | It is a rain fed crop but may be irrigated periodically as and when required. |
Primarily Grown For | Seeds, Rhizomes, Flowers |
Flowering Season | August, September, October |
Plant height | 3-6 meters |
Plant Form | Climbing or growing on support |
Harvesting time | 170-180 days |
Type | Specification |
Product Type | Botanical Product |
Type | Dried Herbs |
Category | Herbs & Herbs Extract |
Usage | Anti Gout, Anti Cancer, tonic, anti-periodic, anti- helminthic, anthelmintic, and laxative |
Grade | Premium |
Storage Instructions | Store in dry place and away from moisture |
Shelf Life | 3 Years |
- Flame lily / Gloriosa superba seeds has many medicinal properties like colchicine, alkaloid gloriocine, pungent, bitter, acrid, heating, anthelmintic, laxative, alexiteric, abortifacient etc.
- It has been used in the treatment of gout, infertility, open wounds, snakebite, ulcers, arthritis, cholera, colic, kidney problems, typhus, itching, leprosy, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids, cancer, impotence, nocturnal emission, smallpox, sexually transmitted diseases, and many types of internal parasites.
- Colchicine is widely used as an experimental tool in the study of cell division, as it can inhibit mitosis, induce polyploidy, and has been used in the treatment of cancer.
- Gloriosa superba seeds are also used as a tonic, anti-periodic, anti- helminthic, anthelmintic, and laxative.
It is used in treating muscular spasm or crumps, Intestinal worms and Human Ear parasites